«tell them!»




«why? You are 30, you should be able to express things without feeling embarrassed…»


«what should I say? That I like classical music and that I’ve been a boyscout for 20 years? It will make me look like a nerd»


«you are always that pessimistic, you might say you enjoy listening Rachmaninov, Beethoven, Chopin, you should say that you play piano!»


«brilliant! “THE PIANIST BOYSCOUT”, the latest masterpiece by Roman Polański …»


«I get it! Say that you are thrilled by movies and you especially like surreal non-linear cinematography as David Lynch»


«that’s why I’m actually videographer for a fashion company but listen, let’s rather write something about sport, playing soccer, having a 10km run becau…»


«yes, but does it really matter that you have reached 455 position in a marathon with 1500 participants with Stefano Baldini as winner? I mean, who cares?»


«ok, well, keep calm! I’m not going to say anything about Erasmus either, too much to tell»


«the one in Aalborg, Denmark?»


«yep, one of the best experiences of my life together with that trip to US, or even better when I was living and working in Hong Kong..»


«that’s a topic: travel»


«the more I travel the more I’m happy. Should we talk about travel photography?»


«nobody is interested in reflex or Canon – instead – do you think they would care about this tiny voice suggesting you what to say?»


«haha, no it was just a nice idea for a brief presentation»


«that’s not true, I’m in your head»


«go away!»


«I’ll force you to write only absurd things»





This dialogue comes from the psychiatric hospital of Reggio Emilia

July 6th, 2017 - cell No. 23, unit No. 99, Guido Pontani

Detainee on October 10th 2012 at 6:58pm by the agent (code name) Mr. TOP